Today's time waster is a humanitarian effort to help everyone's favorite flightless bird, the penguin, learn to fly. Donate today to help these poor birds experience the joy of flight that, without your help, they may never have a chance to experience. For just $10,000 a day you can provide rocket fuel that will propel these poor unfortunate birds into the stratosphere. Do you really need that used car when, in comparison, you can give the joy of flight?
This is your standard distance and speed jump game with upgrades. You start off a penguin with a small ramp that can barely "fly" a few feet, but by the end you will have strapped performance gliders and super rockets to this determined biped. It should only take you 20 - 30 minutes to get as far as the end, though I'm still unable to break the 6000ft mark which has a "?" for the gained achievement. If anyone can get that far and take a screenshot/give a description of what, if anything is gained, please leave it in the comments. Have fun!